Materia Medica Master Key Module
(One dimensional fixed boxed approach to Integrative Holistic Multidimensional– THE WHEEL APPROACH)
The belief behind such a question is that it takes an idea that we think we are absolutely certain of, we know the answer to and ask if we are, in fact absolutely certain; have we taken the basic assumption for granted that people like creativity but they also like stability!
Thus, even if we have started walking on our creative, individual path, we know we are on the right track, this new journey and creativity are needed but still, when things feel unstable or uncertain, we tend to go back to stability & old ideas.
In our homoeopathic journey of understanding our philosophy, and our remedies, we should ask such stupidly smart questions even on a path which looks stable, time-tested & spoken by many masters; we all want creativity, but we all are unstable too; both need to flow together.
A question comes to my mind, should we leave behind creativity and focus only on so so-called time-tested, fixed, stable Homoeopathic path?
The answer to this is,’’ keep with yourself such stupidly smart questions coming from your right individualistic heart-centre & properly navigated, supported by left learnt systematic Wikipedia brain, it will grant ideas which will be based on strong foundation but you will be able to create individualistic learning which will make sense to everyone; not just based on air castle ( creative path) but will also have its pillars ( time-tested, fixed, stable path)!
Do we know our Arnica Montana is complete and holistically enough?
Few Questions to Ponder further,
- Do we know our well-known homeopathic remedies?
- Do we know lesser-known remedies of homoeopathy?
- Do we know remedies which can be the best homeopathic remedies from todays perspective but still not in homeopathy?
- Do we know the Holistic master key of families, higher order, class from all kingdoms?
Now since you are already aware of the Integrative Holistic Multidimensional Approach in Case Taking let us take you to the second most important part of Homoeopathy – To our Homoeopathic Remedies
- How to understand Remedies (Well known, Lesser known, Rare and New to homoeopathy )
- How to understand Groups- Like Plant, Mineral, Animal, Nosode-Sarcode, Imponderables, Acid and other new groups
- How to understand Families (Sub families, Tribes and Genus), Higher Order and Class of Plant, Animal kingdom
My Journey of Multidimensional Approach in Homoeopathic Materia Medica, Repertory and Proving started after my meeting with Vermeulen and Jeremy Sherr… who ignited 1st thoughts about The Master Key –
Excerpts of the meeting: School of Homoeopathy, England, 2011
I was sharing about the 3 steps of case taking in Misha Norland’s School (SOH) [Where we were celebrating 30 years of School of Homeopathy in England].
I taught for 2 days on Child-Centric Case Witnessing Process and 3rd day we had 1st live webinar which was attended by 1700 British homoeopaths which is a huge number.
I shared the stage with Masters like Frans Vermeulen, Jeremy Sherr, Dr Sankaran, Scholten, Linda Johnson and other teachers
Jeremy Sherr and Vermeulen came a day earlier and attended my pediatric seminar
In the evening we 3 went for a walk in the woods – during the walk Vermeulen shared his thought that “Dinesh the way you are removing the individual aspect of the patient at the whole level – I liked this concept – and none of our Materia Medica is written in this fashion. I would like to re-write Vermeulen Prisma and Synoptic key again by putting – symptoms at the whole level”. And he smiled and said I quote you there
Of course, being a relative beginner in homoeopathy- for me, this was a big compliment ..and by walking in the middle of these 2 giants, a thought came into my mind that along with teaching Scientific Intuitive Case Witnessing Process, one day I will work and teach remedies and Materia Medica at a whole level.
Since I understood that individualization at the whole level is the key, I started reading, understanding homoeopathic remedies from that perspective
and developed 5 STEPS of studying Materia Medica/Remedy as mentioned earlier:
- What is common between mind, physical general and physical particular?
- Try to find out what is common between local, general and vital (Areas like Dreams, Interests hobbies, etc.).
- What is the common sensation running at the physical general as well as physical particulars.
- What are the leading and the core symptoms of the remedy?
- Single Remedy Symptoms/ Rubrics.
We, homoeopaths, stuck in a two-dimensional fix approach…
I am sure 99.9% of us will say yes because each one is looking at a whole properly but the biggest problem here is that all are viewing from one glass, one person, one book, one system which is fixed and 2 dimensional (searching whole but in one system only).
This may be one of the reasons that each system in itself looks complete and of course holistic but it’s not…
Is this 2 dimensional or multidimensional?
I feel it’s naturally 2 dimensional!
I realized this is not only my problem but the problem of many Homoeopaths,
- if a Homoeopath follows Kentian approach then they will individualize as a whole but only from Kentian point of view,
- Or if a Homoeopath follows Boenninghausen approach then they will individualize at a whole but only from Boenninghausen’s books and methods,
- Or Homoeopaths following Genetic Constitution or PPP (present, predominant and persistent) approach
- Or ICR core are individualizing as a whole but only from ONE system /method point of view,
- Or Homoeopaths who practice only Vithoulkas approach or few who only individualize at a whole from a repertory angle also fall into this ONE SYSTEM/ONE PERSON /ONE BOOK problem;
- The same story follows for Homoeopaths who follow thematic or keynote approach.
Though all of them are individualizing at whole level but only from ONE SYSTEM/ONE PERSON /ONE BOOK/ ONE APPROACH view and that’s the problem!
What I meant is we can look at a remedy from all book types Kentian , Boger -Boenninghausen, Contemporary, Single key note, Single rubric, Repertory and Provings ( old Hahnemannian, modern masters, add title for dream/music/yoga provings). If we do that then we will definitely have an INTEGRATIVE HOLISTIC idea of that remedy which is much better than a two-dimensional perspective.
I started reading these different types of books systematically to check from each perspective that what HOLISTIC MASTER KEY is emerging of a remedy which was INTEGRATIVE HOLISTIC MASTER KEY compared to the earlier TWO DIMENSIONAL one.
I Am Sure You Will Be Happy with This but there is An intriguing Question crossing my mind,
‘’You have an Integrative Approach But don’t you feel that Still, you are visualizing From One System Perspective; though you Found the Master Key Of Arnica but that is also Only From a Homeopathic Perspective, that is from One system angle only, right?
I feel This Is the Right Time To Have a Paradigm Shift From 2 Dimensional approach To a Multidimensional Approach!
Don’t you think that to derive a MASTER KEY of remedy, family, higher-order, and class, we need to have a multidimensional, systematic approach that considers part and whole, system and symptoms, not only we look for different approaches but we also need to have a glance from different systems like alternative science, new research perspective, whole natural classification with macroscopic and microscopic characteristics, the exact chemical involved and may be mythology as well..
if you want to search a master key, search from these multiple & different dimensions then only this would be true understanding of SEARCHING THE MASTER KEY FROM MULTIDIMENSIONAL APPROACH
Thus, I came with these steps of reading a remedy and I would like to call this as the ‘’MULTIDIMENSIONAL APPROACH’’ because now I am having a view from different perspective, different systems, different masters & different books.
In order to derive a master key of a remedy, family, higher order, or class, I need to study them from a multidimensional aspect which you will see below.
I use these 7 multidimensional areas to derive the Master key.
- First exact classification (from APG IV) like Name, Scientific Name, Common Name, Genus, Family (Subfamily,Tribe, Sub Tribe if any) , Higher order and Class.
- Second exact Natural Characteristics of Class, Higher Order, Family (Sub-family, its Tribe, Sub-tribe if any), Genus and Remedy.
- Third Homeopathic Characteristics from Seven different types of Homeopathic literature, selecting one book from each type. Like
a) KENTIAN TYPE: Kent, Phatak, Boericke, Clarke, etc. and Repertories like Kent, Complete, Synthesis, Synthetic, Boericke
b) BOGER BOENNINGHAUSEN TYPE: Boger Synoptic Key, Hering Guiding symptoms and Repertories like Boenninghausen, Boger Boenninghausen Repertory.
c) CONTEMPORARY MATERIA MEDICA TYPE: Vermeulen’s books- (Prisma Synoptic Reference), Robin murphy’s- Murphy’s Nature Materia Medica, Louis Klein etc and Repertory like Complete and Synthetic
d) THEMATIC MATERIA MEDICA TYPE: Sankaran , Massimo, Vithoulkas, Scholten, Yakir, Mirilli’s Repertory, etc
e) KEYNOTE TYPE: Allen’s keynote, Morrison desktop guide, Boger Synoptic Key, Lippe’s red Line Symptoms, Vermeulen Synoptic Key, Single Remedy Rubric Books like Chitkara or Repertorial Search like Synergy Reference Works.
f) REPERTORIAL BOOKS in different types (Acute Type- Boericke/Phatak; Boger Boenninghausen type; Complete type)
g) PROVINGS: Hahnemann, Allen’s, Hering , modern masters and special provings like meditative, dream, music etc where you trace the common thread from different proving.
- Fourth exact Chemical in Higher Order, Family, (Subfamily and Tribe, Subtribe if any) Genus and Remedy.
- Fifth New Research from Modern Medicine and Alternative Research Aspects.
- Sixth Characteristics From Alternative Science (like Bach flower, Other Alternative Methods)
- Seventh History and Mythology
When three or more than three areas of above seven areas pointing to the same holistic center, this is The master key (Holistic Key) of remedy, family, higher order and class.
Through this multidimensional integrative holistic approach , I started understanding each remedy’s master key, first with Polycrest remedies, then moving onto lesser-known, then very-less-known, that are not available in homoeopathy. I gradually began to derive the master key of family, higher order, and class using the same methodology.
The Key, in my opinion, is to go from a fixed two-dimensional method to an integrative multidimensional one when determining the remedy, family, and higher-order master key. I had a lovely conversation with Michal Yakir (a famous homoeopath whose concept of plants brought a revolutionary shift in understanding plants- like her book ‘Wondrous Order’) – about which method is deriving a master key of remedy, family or higher order from themetic perspective or deriving from classical homoeopathic books perspective.
And we both came to this analogy- There are two ways to make a castle
a -To start from the base or pillar (Classical Books)
b -Start with the air castle (Fixed Themes)
What we understood is both approaches are Right. For those who began with two-dimensional (Fixed Themes) like an air castle, a Pillar or a base must be placed beneath it, and for those who began with a Pillar and a base, a castle can now be built on it.
A) CONCEPT MODULE: Where you get an in depth understanding of
- Concept of Integrative Holistic, Multi-dimentional Approach in Remedies
- How to study Materia medica
- Systematic steps of Deriving the Master key with other keys (characteristics) of remedies.
- Systematic steps of Deriving the Master key with other keys of kingdoms, families, higher order and class.
- Schema of Holistic Key of remedy from remedy, family, higher order and class perspective, with its other characteristics like sphere of actions, three cardinal symptoms, alternative use, chemical and new research etc.
- With the example of a few remedies from well-known, lesser-known, and new. One example of a Group like Deriving one family.
- Derivation of The master key
- Master key of Remedies (some well-known, lesser known, rare and new remedies)
- SCHEMA: of master key of Remedy with respect to its materia medica core symptoms. Then with respect to family , higher order, and class.
- SCHEMA: of master key of Remedy with respect of other characteristics Keys like sphere of actions, three cardinal symptoms, alternative use, chemical and new research etc.
- SCHEMA: of Like Remedies from same group ,different kingdoms.
- SCHEMA: of Differential diagnosis of Remedies, Tribes, sub-families, families within this higher order, within all Kingdoms.
- With CASES: With one case to demonstrate the whole concept with follow-ups.
This module contains Plant Remedies, families, higher order and class from APG 4, Derivation of The master key of families (Sub-family and tribe if any), higher order, and class. Each section with have
- Higher orders and its Families ( Including Sub family, Tribe and Genus )
- Derivation of The master key
- Master Key of Family (Sub family, Tribe) and Higher Order
- Master key of Remedies (some well known, lesser known, rare and new remedies)
- SCHEMA : of master key of class, higher order, family, remedy
- SCHEMA: of master key of Remedy with respect of other characteristics Keys like sphere of actions, three cardinal symptoms, alternative use, chemical and new research etc.
- SCHEMA: of Like Remedies from same group ,different kingdoms.
- SCHEMA: of Differential diagnosis of Remedies, Tribes, sub-families, families within this higher order, within Plant kingdoms, within all Kingdoms.
- With CASES: With one case in short module and different cases in long module to demonstrate the whole concept with follow-ups.
This module contains the concept of understanding Mineral remedies from Integrative Holistic, Multi-dimensional aspects, Deriving the Master key with other keys of Remedies from the mineral kingdoms.
- Concept module
- Derivation of The master key
- Master Key of Rows and Columns understanding with respect to universal laws
- Master key of Remedies (some well known, lesser known, rare and new remedies)
- SCHEMA : of master key of Rows and Columns
- SCHEMA : of master key of Rows and Columns – Lanthanides
- SCHEMA : of master key of Rows and Columns – Actinides
- SCHEMA: of master key of Remedy with respect of other characteristics Keys like sphere of actions, three cardinal symptoms, alternative use, chemical and new research etc.
- SCHEMA: of Like Remedies from same group ,different kingdoms.
- SCHEMA: of Differential diagnosis of Remedies, Tribes, sub-families, families within this higher order, within Mineral kingdoms, within all Kingdoms.
- With CASES: With one case in short module and different cases in long module to demonstrate the whole concept with follow-ups.
1) Module of Lanthanides.
2) Modules of actinides…
3) Module of Stone remedies.
4) Module of understanding Calcaria and its salts and other remedies. (Coming soon)
5) Special Modules
- Silica Like Remedies. And many more similar modules
- Spiritual plants
- Precious stones
- Hahnemannian 99 remedies and many more such modules
We at Similimum Field invite you to join us to move from ‘’LINEAR,2- DIMENSIONAL, FIXED APPROACH ‘’TO’’ INTEGRATIVE, ONE-PERSON, ONE-SYSTEM ONE-BOOK ORIENTED APPROACH’’ TO ‘’INTEGRATIVE MULTIDIMENSIONAL APPROACH’’ in Understanding our Materia medica, remedies well known, lesser known, rare as well as new in homeopathy, Group studies like Plant kingdom, Class, Higher order and its families (Genus, sub-family and tribes), minerals (Periodic table, with raws and columns including Lanthanides and actinides), Animals (Remedies, Kingdom, Sub-kingdoms, higher and class etc), nodoses, sarcodes, Imponderabilia and other remedies and groups. And special modules like lanthanides, actinides, like remedies, spiritual plants, Hahnemannian remedies and many more such modules
In this module, you will find our advice to first go through our video on Integrative Holistic Multidimensional approach in homoeopathic Remedies, Groups , Families , Higher orders and Class.
Then we advise you to go through the plant module followed by mineral modules and other modules
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1st link: Materia Medica Concept module and Arnica single remedy
2nd link: Click to go back to Materia Medica Module
3rd link: Click to go back to Our Courses